Psalm 5 + This Sunday

I love the picture that Eugene Peterson gives us in his translation of Psalm 5:1-3.
Notice in this passage:

  • The humility of David. David is right where many of us are at everyday. Suffering. Anxious. Groaning from some unfortunate circumstance. Crying. If David is like us, then it’s most definitely a deep groaning that is too deep to communicate with words. Uncommunicable. But unlike many of us at different moments in our lives, he knows what to do with such dire circumstances, emotions, and trials: take them to the Lord. 
  • The rawness, vulnerability, and authentic spirituality. No hypocrisy in his words here. Just sheer transparency. And when we muster up the strength to be real and honest about how we are doing, its as if the Lord says, "Finally! I can work with that!"
  • “King-God, I need your help.” What a simple prayer but accurate summation of the entirety of christian faith. God as King. God as helper. God as everything. So much christian theology in 6 words.
  • “Every morning.” If you have known me for a second, you know that I am the early morning riser, coffee in hand, Bible in the other. Those are sacred moments for me. I wonder if you have those at all? Moments that are reserved for God and only God. Moments of persistent prayer that confronts you with God’s presence and gives you the manna you need for the day. I don’t know where I would be without these kind of rhythms. And here is why….
  • “I lay out pieces of my life..” There is not a better refuge to run to when things feel out of control, overwhelming, and beyond your comprehension than Him. And if you have spent any time in prayer, you know that God sees through you to your real issues and is offering you real help. 
  • “Fire…descends..” Here, David is talking about being in the temple. This is where God was at and where He would consume the altar. But the NT describes the Christian as the very temple of God. And fire descends there too. Think about that imagery. I’m not going to explain it. Just think about it. There are so many implications. 

What this passage is doing is pushing us toward vibrant spiritual lives that remain/abide in the presence of Jesus at every moment of every day.
I hope that this passages pushes you toward that reality in a fresh way that maybe you have not considered. 
I have so missed our church family over the last couple of weeks. As many of you know, I had the privilege to preach the last 2 weeks at the church that I attended as a child. It was really special getting to spend time there. 
However, our family missed Sola so much. Ezzy, Elisha, and Elias all 3 at different times asked “When are we going back to our church, daddy?” I agree with the sentiment. Sola is our people. Sola is our church family. We love it so much. Can’t wait to worship with you all again this Sunday. 
As you prepare for this Sunday, I wanted to remind you that all of our children will be dismissed before the teaching during the service. This Sunday, we are not only celebrating Mother’s Day, but we are also teaching through what we believe about sexuality. Please pray for us as we prepare for this time. We are anticipating this weekend to be formative for us as a church.

Love you Church
Alex Gailey

2 Important Announcements!
5/19 is our summer kickoff Agape Feast. The Kerns are hosting it is going to be a great time! If you are a member, make sure to RSVP through our church app.
5/26 we are doing “Worship in the Park!” Instead of meeting in Chicopee Village, we will be meeting outside at Rock Creek Veterans Park amphitheater at 10:30am. There will not be childcare during the service. 
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